Portfolio Website Case Study: Self Branding Project


Shater Tsavsar

• 3 min read

Project Goal

The primary goal of the Personal Portfolio Website Development project is to create an engaging and professional online platform that effectively represents the skills, achievements, and personality of the individual. The website aims to serve as a centralized hub for showcasing a diverse range of work, providing a comprehensive overview of the individual’s professional journey, and facilitating seamless communication with potential employers, collaborators, or clients.


he carefully chosen color palette not only enhances visual appeal but communicates our commitment to harmonizing form with environmental consciousness.

Color Showcase


The scope of a personal portfolio website can vary based on your goals, skills, and the type of content you want to showcase.


Provide a brief introduction about myself, including my area of specialisation, skills, and passion.


Include a downloadable version of your resume or curriculum vitae.


Showcasing my best work and projects, Including detailed descriptions, images, and links.


Details such as places of employment, roles, and years served are presented, providing a concise overview of the individual’s professional journey.


Details such as places of employment, roles, and years served are presented, providing a concise overview of the individual’s professional journey.

Personal Branding

Use a consistent color scheme, font, and style that reflect my personal brand. Incorporate a logo or personal monogram if applicable.

User Research

I did a lot of user testing with people who had experiences on design and people who didn’t, the first design is what i went with but after complaints of not knowing it was a clickable button I decided to increase the font weight as well as add a pulsing dot beside it to draw the users attention towards the button.

User Research

The next issue I faced was with people not knowing where to click to open the projects.

As we can see the clickable area is really really small so users weren't sure if it was clickable.

This was a simple fix for an issue that can be easily forgotten about

As we can see the clickable area is really really small so users weren't sure if it was clickable.

This was a simple fix for an issue that can be easily forgotten about

Screens Mockups

Website Mockup 1
Website Mockup 2
Website Mockup 2
Website Mockup 2

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